At the moment I'm working on a new collection of tribal tattoo designs, the first series consists of 4 forearm / lower arm tattoo designs, with feathers in a symmetrical style.
My plan is to create around 30 or 40 new tattoo designs in Maori/Kiri tuhi style, which will be added to my website/webshop at the end of April. But to give you a small preview, I will post the designs on my blog for you, so you'll be the first to see.
Normally I don't shade my designs, but to give the image another dimension and more body I decided to use it in this flash series.

Size is 28 x 15 cm (11 x 6 inches), but because it's a high resolution design, you can re-scale it.
Price for this design is 29,75 euro / 40 US dollars.
As soon as I receive your payment, you'll receive an e-mail with the high resolution design (.jpg file) and a sheet/ linedrawing for your tattoo artist.
Kind regards, Mark Storm