"The earthquake in Japan on the 11th of March has shocked to the core. It shows how fragile and limited our powers are. We are a bunch of people from the UK and Japan and we wanted to do something more than just giving some money, so we came up with the poster above.
We now offer to send this poster to anyone who donates a minimum of £ 20 / $ 32 / € 22. All donations will go to the British Red Cross Tsunami Appeal.
The design was made by wetting a sheet of thick paper and then adding one drop of red ink into the center. The ink spreads really fast, then slows down but keeps on spreading for some time. We thought that the water and the ink's movement in it was a fitting metaphor.
The Poster is printed with set colour Pantone Black and Pantone Red 32 on Munken pure white 170 gsm fine art paper. The size is B2 (500mm x 707mm / 19.7" x 27.8"). All posters are hand numbered and signed.
The inspiration for the technique came from an advert for the World Water Day and can be seen here. Credit is due as well to all the other poster creators that where much quicker than us and did some incredible work. Some examples can be found here."
Get the poster here!