Ok, this is our JBCB crew wall we painted at the SPLASH festival for the Write4Gold German finals competition. "GIANTS" was the theme for all teams given. And a one-color gradient concept... we picked "brown". Nice.
The most weirdest thing then was that i somehow already knew the battle theme since one day before.... While we had been driving to the festival location we had this old "bastard pop" mixtape Superchunk by DJ Riko on the car's speakers. There is this one mash-up song "Shouty Nightmare" within and it's mixed from Lemon Jelly's "The Shouty Track" and IceT's "Colors". While hearing this tune i already got some basic visuals for a "Giants" draft in my head on which we then started to build up the principal concept off the wall later at the festival. Turning the "Giants" theme into "Walk like giants"... and added a bunch more bits and quotations from the IceT song to it.
Esoteric! Anyway. This "lead" hadn't helped us at all. Due to the heavy wind that blew off our wall that we supposed to paint on in the first time we got this other wall on a new but way better locatioan right next to the main stage instead. But all of that caused a 2 hour delay and moreover the bigger wall area to paint made us become the slowpoke of all teams. Ok, honestly some hangovers may did it's share also and we "bent" the competition rules slightly and broke ranks by not only using the limited color range they provided us... we just nicked some extra flash colours from Can2...
Not taking place - just taking part.
Ay! Ok, stop moaning like a wussy, Forty! We burnt... at least sunburnt.
Again: BIG ups to our new friends the BLUES crew to come first place!
See all final graffiti wall productions, photos from the t-up & tag competition and festival impressions on the Write4Gold website.
... and on no frigging way you should miss listing to DJ Riko's "Whistler's Delight"! After that you gonna hate any whistle passages in any music tune...