Before becoming a Mom, I was always an early riser. An early riser, but a slow early riser. I enjoyed my quiet mornings to myself, going to the gym then sipping tea and eating breakfast, checking my favorite blogs and sites and starting my day off slowly. But now, the mornings come upon us quickly, with a "Da-Da-Daaaaa!" or a "Ma-Ma-Maaaaa!" from across the house, blaring through the monitor. "Up! Up! UP!" And our little one is awake and up and ready for his day to begin. There is no leisurely time spent in bed post-workout shower, but there is that first moment when I open Henry's door and I get to enjoy my favorite part of the whole day- that good morning smile and the messiest bed head, arms outstretched for hugs and kisses.
Our little guy is a monkey- always in things, on things, figuring out how to move the heaviest things. He is go-go-go from the minute he wakes up and most of our mornings are a whirlwind of activity and excitement. We have quiet moments too though; reading books as the first morning sunlight streams in through the windows, building blocks and towers together, or just sitting for a bit and listening to the birds chirp outside.
So many times during our days I'll stop in wonder at this wild, spirited boy, this determined little headstrong fellow, and I'll think to myself: he is ours. I've said this numerous times here, but it's still amazing to me that I grew this little human inside my body, and as I watch him grow and grow into more boy than baby, I am continuously blown away with every new step and phase. I'm sure I'll be saying this as I watch Henry get bigger and bigger, changing and becoming who he will be, but for now I'm focusing on this squirmy, bed-headed wild little year-and-a-half-old boy who is all ours in all of his silly, giggling, toddler wonderfulness.